Sustaining Excellence After the ESSER Funding Cliff

Service Description

As school systems face the challenges of the ESSER funding cliff alongside changing student enrollment patterns, political tensions around public schooling, and a shortage of educators, leaders and governing bodies aim to ensure that students are exceeding pre-COVID goals, or that gains made since the COVID recovery are maintained and strengthened. Systems Thinking provides a fresh foundation for how school and district leadership teams conceptualize and engage with the system they lead. Your team will come together to apply Systems Thinking Habits and Tools in order to define the problem(s) you face and to design Systems Thinking informed solutions.

Outcomes: Participants will be able to:

  1. Use the Habits of a Systems Thinker and Systems Thinking tools to analyze data in order to define the problem(s) faced by the local school system.
  2. Apply Systems Thinking Habits and tools to identify high-leverage solutions based on the problems identified.
  3. Apply Systems Thinking Habits and tools to design solutions that maximize efficiency and leverage the existing resources in the system.
  4. Apply Systems Thinking Habits and Tools to generate increases in stakeholder engagement and parent/community involvement.
  5. Apply Systems Thinking Habits and Tools to strengthen your funding ecosystem.


  • 2-Day (or equivalent) initial workshop
  • Suggested follow-up could include further systems thinking capacity-building, implementation support, and/or coaching.
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